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A Starkid concert experience!


sold out!

The response to this event was incredible! What a way to celebrate our 15th anniversary! We’ll see you in may!

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 We are beyond CHUFFED*

It’s Starkid, innit? is a ONE-NIGHT-ONLY Concert event in one of our favorite cities:

Join us for IT'S STARKID, INNIT?** on May 12th, 2024 at the London Palladium!

You might be wondering: are they faffin' around***? Well, take a
gander**** at this lineup:

Clark Baxstresser
Jeff Blim
JaimeLyn Beatty
Corey Dorris
Brian Holden
Lauren Lopez
Joey Richter
Meredith Stepien

You can bet your arse***** that we'll be performing some OG bits n'
bobs****** and we can't WAIT to see you lookin' fit*******! Fancy a
cheeky Nando's?********

********won't be apologizing for this one :)

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